Little Red School, Otsego Township, Allegan County, Michigan

Location: 42.4787, -85.7497, at 793 Lincoln Rd, Otsego, MI.

Little Red Schoolhouse (Otsego District No 9) was established in 1887, and is now an antique shop. It is a plain red-brick schoolhouse without a bell tower, but with a school bell on a pole in front. It has a single centered front door and 2 small front windows, one on either side of the door. It has one large arched window on the right side (there might have been more that are bricked-over now), two on the left side (more might be covered by the small addition covering the rear half of the left side), and four on the back.

Little Red Schoolhouse, Otsego District No 9, established 1887, now an antique shop (2018), in Otsego Township, Allegan County, Michigan
Little Red Schoolhouse, Otsego District No 9, established 1887, now an antique shop (2018), in Otsego Township, Allegan County, Michigan
Little Red Schoolhouse, Otsego District No 9, established 1887, now an antique shop (2018), in Otsego Township, Allegan County, Michigan

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