Brownsville School No 1, Calvin Township, Cass County, Michigan

Location: 41.87905, -85.96395, at 20559 Osborn St., Cassopolis, MI.

I was told about Brownsville School No 1 in an email from a kind person who noticed I didn't have this school on my web site. The two photos below are not mine (I have not yet visited the school), but were taken by Cindy Yawkey. The school looks similar to the Thorington Schoolhouse, near the southeast corner of Michigan; maybe they were built from the same plans?

Brownsville School No 1 was an integrated school from its inception until it was closed in the mid-1950s. The Underground Railroad Society of Cass County has recently purchased the school and intends to restore it. They have removed the bell tower for safe-keeping during the restoration in order to save the roof, and are searching for the school bell, which is missing. If you'd like to donate to the restoration, please do so at the Underground Railroad Society of Cass County site, and be sure to note that the donation is for Brownsville School. Also, if you know anything about the school bell or other information about the school house, I'd appreciate it if you'd contact them.



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