Kitchen School, Davison Township, Genesee County, Michigan

Location: 42.97652, -83.50710, in Zirnhelt Park, at 4010 S State Rd, Davison, MI.

Kitchen School was named for Silas Kitchen, one of the area's homesteaders, and was built between 1860-1870, as dated by lumber dimensions and types of nails, though the sign on it states 1847. It's a rectangular wood-frame structure, painted white, with 4 windows on each side and a simple front with only a central door, no windows, a modern sign above the door, and a bell tower with school bell on the roof.

Kitchen School, in Davison Township, Genesee County, Michigan
Kitchen School, in Davison Township, Genesee County, Michigan
Kitchen School, in Davison Township, Genesee County, Michigan

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