Kipper School, Sigel Township, Huron County, Michigan

Location: Withheld, since the school might still be revived.

Kipper School (Sigel District No 6) was established on June 22 1907 and was still technically in use with 11 K-8 students registered in 2016, but was closed for the 2016-2017 school year, and appears to have been permanently closed in 2018. It has brown-colored vertical siding and no bell tower. A playground still stands beside it since it was only recently closed.

Kipper School, in Sigel Township, Huron County. Established on June 22 1907 and still in use with 11 students registered (but closed for the 2016-2017 school year).
Kipper School, in Sigel Township, Huron County. Established on June 22 1907 and still in use with 11 students registered (but closed for the 2016-2017 school year).

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