Rock City School, Lake Township, Huron County, Michigan

Location: 43.94720, -83.20476, at 5497 State Park Rd, Caseville, Michigan.

Rock City School is a red-brick schoolhouse without a sign to identify the schoolhouse and without a bell tower. The chimney for the pot-belly stove in the back of the schoolhouse is still intact, and the brick-work is in reasonably good shape. It looks like someone is taking care of this building. It has four large arched windows on one side, and one on either side of the centered front door.

Rock City School, at 5487 State Park Rd, Caseville, Michigan, in Lake Township, Huron County
Rock City School, in Lake Township, Huron County, Michigan
Rock City School, in Lake Township, Huron County, Michigan
Rock City School, at 5487 State Park Rd, Caseville, Michigan, in Lake Township, Huron County

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