Fallasburg School (Vergennes District No 1), Vergennes Township, Kent County, Michigan

Location: 42.98265, -85.32149, at 14029 Covered Bridge Rd NE, Lowell, MI.

Fallasburg School (Vergennes District No 1) was established in 1867 (30 years after Fallasburg was settled) to replace a log schoolhouse destroyed by fire, and was in-use as a school until 1961. In addition to being used for school, it was also used town meetings, social events, funerals, and church services. It is a wooden frame schoolhouse covered in tongue-and-groove clapboard siding, painted white, with a metal roof and an intact bell tower with a pyramid roof which has no openings that let me determine whether there's a school bell inside. The schoolhouse is built on a fieldstone foundation that was extended in front of the building to form a raised platform. It has four rather small (for a schoolhouse) windows on each side, and two front doors: one for boys and one for girls. Each door has a transom window above it to allow light into the two cloakrooms. A small rear coal and woodshed addition with a poured-concrete foundation was made to the rear of the school after the turn of the century. This nicely-restored school is located within a group of fourteen similarly-restored buildings called the Fallasburg Historic District which have been restored and are maintained by the Fallasburg Historical Society.

Fallasburg Schoolhouse (Vergennes District No 1), established in 1867, in Vergennes Township, Kent County, Michigan
Fallasburg Schoolhouse (Vergennes District No 1), established in 1867, in Vergennes Township, Kent County, Michigan
Fallasburg Schoolhouse (Vergennes District No 1), established in 1867, in Vergennes Township, Kent County, Michigan

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