Maple Ridge School, Laketon Township, Muskegon County, Michigan

Location: 43.2822, -86.3023, at 1569 N Buys Rd, Muskegon, MI.

Maple Ridge School (Laketon District No 7) was built in 1887. It is a rectangular wood-frame schoolhouse with 3 large windows on the north side and 4 large windows on the south side. A cloak-room protrudes from the front, with a single door in the center and a window on either side. There is a bell tower on the roof but no school bell inside. The bronze plaque, mounted to a large stone in the front yard, states that the school was donated to the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District in 1976 by the Reeths-Puffer Board of Education, to be preserved and to be used by the students of the Muskegon area as a "living history" of a past era, significant in the development of this country.

Maple Ridge School, in Laketon Township, Muskeegon County, Michigan
Maple Ridge School, in Laketon Township, Muskeegon County, Michigan
Maple Ridge School, in Laketon Township, Muskeegon County, Michigan
Maple Ridge School, in Laketon Township, Muskeegon County, Michigan

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