South Salem Stone School, Salem Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan

Location: 42.36715, -83.60756, at 7991 N Territorial Rd, Plymouth, Michigan.

South Salem Stone School, also known as Jarvis Stone School, was District No 3 school in Salem Township. It was built in 1857 to replace the log Bullock's Corner Schoolhouse which stood on the opposite corner since 1829. The replacement school was in use for 110 years until 1967. It was named after school board member William Jarvis, but more commonly called South Salem Stone School after the Jarvis family moved away from Salem Township. It is a sturdy-looking structure built with local fieldstone and had two large windows on each side rather than the more-usual three. No bell tower exists any more, but a chimney still stands at the rear of the building which vented a box stove that sat on a brick foundation. The front of the schoolhouse is covered by a quite-ugly cinder-block addition of 1941; perhaps there was no vestibule in the original schoolhouse and one was subsequently added? The back entry to the school enclosed by a cinder-block addition is covered on the outside by a mural illustrating some school history. The school was restored during the early 2000's.

South Salem Stone School, built in 1857, at 7991 N Territorial Rd, Plymouth, Michigan, in Salem Township, Washtenaw County
South Salem Stone School, built in 1857, at 7991 N Territorial Rd, Plymouth, Michigan, in Salem Township, Washtenaw County
South Salem Stone School, built in 1857, at 7991 N Territorial Rd, Plymouth, Michigan, in Salem Township, Washtenaw County

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