A Tourist in Rome - Aventine Hill

Location:41.88455, 12.48062 Beside the Tiber River, just south of Circus Maximus
Metro:Circo Massimo, or see it on my To the Forum Boarium and Beyond Walking Tour instead
Time:about 30 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

The Aventine Hill is the southernmost of the Seven Hills of Rome, with its tallest part being beside the Tiber River. According to the founding legend of Rome, Romulus set up his camp on the Palatine Hill and Remus set up his camp here on the Aventine Hill. Perhaps the most popular tourist attraction today on the Aventine Hill is the Aventine Keyhole (2nd photo below).

The Aventine Hill taken from from the Tiber River
See all Aventine Hill photos.
The line at the Aventine Keyhole
See all Aventine Hill photos.

Other than that, the Aventine Hill is a beautiful residential area, with elegant homes, palaces and churches. And with beautiful views off that cliff on its northwestern edge, one of which is shown in the panorama below.

Panorama facing northwest from the Aventine Hill
See all Aventine Hill photos.
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