A Tourist in Rome - Fountain in Piazza Farnese

Location:41.89503, 12.47142 In Piazza Farnese, three blocks north of Ponte Sisto
Time:10 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

There are two fountains in Piazza Farnese, identical to each other. They have the fleur de lys emblem of the Farnese family at the top, beneath which is a small scalloped oval basin, with a large bathub-shaped granite stone basin below that. Those granite basins came from the Baths of Caracalla of ancient Rome. Beneath the bathtub is a large waist-high pool that collects and drains the water.

Fountain in Piazza Farnese
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Fountain in Piazza Farnese
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Fountain in Piazza Farnese
See all Fountain in Piazza Farnese photos.
Fountain in Piazza Farnese
See all Fountain in Piazza Farnese photos.
Fountain in Piazza Farnese
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