A Tourist in Rome - Fountain of the Bees

Location:41.90429, 12.48877 Piazza Barberini
Time:about 5 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

Bernini built the Fountain of the Bees in 1644 so there would be a fountain in Piazza Barberini small enough for people and animals to drink out of, since the Triton Fountain was too large for this. It is located just steps from the Barberini metro stop. The fountain uses shells for its inscription plaque and basin, like the Triton Fountain, and contains three Barberini Bees. The bees become spouts for people to drink from, and the shell becomes a trough for animals.

The Fountain of the Bees
See all Fountain of the Bees photos.
The Fountain of the Bees
See all Fountain of the Bees photos.
The Bees on the Fountain of the Bees
See all Fountain of the Bees photos.
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