A Tourist in Rome - Fountain of Via della Posta Vecchia

Location:41.89758, 12.47358 On Via della Posta Vecchia, southest of Piazza Navona
Metro:None, perhaps Spagna. An alternate is to take Bus 40 or 64 (get off at Piazza San Panteleo, 2 stops past Piazza Venezia, then walk a half-block north from there).
Time:about 5 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

The fountain of Via della Posta Vecchia is a cute little fountain built in 1872 located on the tiny north-south street Via della Posta Vecchia, which is between Piazza di Massimi and the southeast corner of Piazza Navona.

Fountain of Via della Posta Vecchia
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The Fountain of Via della Posta Vecchia, 1/2 block south of the western edge of Piazza Navona
See all Fountain of Via della Posta Vecchia photos.
A small wall decoration above and to the left of the Fountain of Via della Posta Vecchia, perhaps indicating that the Column in Piazza de Massimi is nearby in this direction (?)
See all Fountain of Via della Posta Vecchia photos.
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