A Tourist in Rome - Torre degli Anguillara

Location:41.88969, 12.47432 In Piazza Sonnino, near the Basilica of San Crisogono in Trastevere
Metro:None, perhaps Tram 3 from Piramide, or Tram 8 from Largo di Torre Argentina
Time:about 10 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

Torre degli Anguillara was built in the 13th century and owned by the Anguillara family, a noble family that controlled this neighborhood until the 15th century, as a defensive outpost overlooking the Tiber River. In 1538 it became the property of the family of Carbognano, which turned it into a stable, slaughter-house and cellar, so the residents of Trastevere called it "palazzaccio" (ugly, bad, horrible place). The tower is located just south of the area's most familiar landmark: the white marble statue of the dialect poet Gioacchino Belli, depicted in a frock coat and tall top hat, at the beginning of Viale di Trastevere.

Torre degli Anguillara
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