A Tourist in Rome - Viminal Hill

Location:41.89884, 12.49034 At Via Nazionale and Via Milano
Metro:Repubblica or Cavour
Time:about 10 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

The Viminal Hill is the smallest and most difficult to find (for me) of the Seven Hills of Rome. It's peak is a few blocks due south from the Four Fountains, around Via Nazionale and Via Milano. The hill is located between the Quirinal Hill to the northwest and the Esquiline Hill to the southeast.

I didn't take a panoramic photo from the peak of the Viminal Hill because I couldn't find anyplace that looked out over a vista. Buildings always blocked the view. Instead, I post the three pictures below which were taken down streets from what I think might be the peak of the Viminal Hill.

Looking down from the peak of the Viminal Hill
See all Viminal Hill photos.
Looking down from the peak of the Viminal Hill
See all Viminal Hill photos.
Looking down from the peak of the Viminal Hill
See all Viminal Hill photos.
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