Brick School, Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan

Location: 42.1455, -86.3077, at 1710 Friday Rd, Coloma, MI.

Brick School (Bainbridge District No 4) was built in 1874. It is a red brick structure with 4 large windows on each side (one window is bricked-over), and a single centered front door with large windows on either side. There is some projecting brickwork, in the form of arches above the windows and doors. The arches all have a keystone at their apex. The bricks, mortar, and keystones of Brick School are actually painted red, and the paint job is showing it's age in my photos, being slightly worn away. The school identification sign above the door reads "Bainbridge School District No 4, 1874". The bell tower still stands at the front of the roof, with a school bell inside. A wooden sign on the front door reads "HAUNTED HOUSE". The school closed in 1963. In May 1995, a business named "Brick School Gallery & Gifts" opened in the schoolhouse. I'm not sure whether it's still in business or not. If you ignore the window on the front just under the roof peak, this schoolhouse is very similar to the nearby Bainbridge Center School.

Brick School (Bainbridge District No 4), built in 1874, in Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan
Brick School (Bainbridge District No 4), built in 1874, in Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan
Brick School (Bainbridge District No 4), built in 1874, in Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan
Brick School (Bainbridge District No 4), built in 1874, in Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan
Brick School (Bainbridge District No 4), built in 1874, in Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan
Brick School (Bainbridge District No 4), built in 1874, in Bainbridge Township, Berrien County, Michigan

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