A Tourist in Rome - Caelian Hill

Location:41.88472, 12.49462 Between the Colosseum and the Baths of Caracalla
Metro:Colosseo or Circo Massimo
Time:about 30 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

The Caelian Hill is one of the Seven Hills of Rome, located between the Colosseum and the Baths of Caracalla. During the Republican Era, the Caelian Hill was the site of residences of the wealthy. Maybe there are ruins here awaiting discovery. While you're in Villa Celimontana you can have a look at the Mattei Obelisk. Other nearby sights are Santo Stefano Rotondo, Arcus Caelimontani, Case Romane del Celio, Aqua Neroniano and the Palatine Hill.

The spot that I selected for my panorama from the Caelian Hill is in Villa Celimontana, facing west (shown below).

Panorama facing west from the Caelian Hill
See all Caelian Hill photos.
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