A Tourist in Rome - Tiberius

Birth:November 16, 42 BC
Death:March 16, 37 AD (old age, or perhaps murdered by Caligula)
Emperor:14 - death

Tiberius was the son of Tiberius Claudius Nero (that's not the emperor Nero) and Livia Drusilla. His mother divorced Nero and married Augustus who adoped Tiberius. He was one of Rome's greatest generals, expanding Rome's northern frontier. Livia always wanted Tiberius to succeed Augustus as emperor, and finally got her wish when Augustus' other two adopted sons died ("I Claudius" contends Livia had them killed). Tiberius was not a very effective emperor, and became paranoid and cruel in his later years, putting many people to death. His greatest monument was the huge palace he built on the Palatine, the Domus Tiberiana.

Tiberius, in the Palazzo Altemps
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Tiberius, in the Palazzo Altemps
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Tiberius, near the Hall of the Pediment in the Capitoline Museum
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Tiberius, from the 17th century, on the main stairway landing between the ground floor and the first floor of the Palazzo Nuovo of the Capitoline Museum
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Tiberius, in the Hall of the Emperors of the Palazzo Nuovo of the Capitoline Museum
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Bust of Tiberius, in the Hall of the Emperors of Palazzo Nuovo, in the Capitoline Museum
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Portrait of Tiberius, a copy in the Ara Pacis Museum of an original in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen
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Places in Rome to see the contributions of Tiberius: See also:
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