A Tourist in Rome - Fountain of the Pine Cone

Location:41.89538, 12.48157 At the edge of Piazza Venezia, in front of the San Marco church
Time:about 5 minutes
Hours:Viewable at any time

There are two Fountains of the Pine Cone in Rome, one in the Vatican and the other beside Piazza Venezia, which is this one referred to here. Built in 1927 by Pietro Lombardi to express the history of the Pigna (pine cone) district, this small pine cone stands on top of stylized tulips. The water gathers at multiple levels, finally landing in two trays at ground level made of slabs of travertine. Four marble columns surround the fountain. Pietro Lombardi was commissioned by the city to build 9 other fountains representing other districts, including the Fontana dei Monti and the Fountain of the Tiaras.

Fountain of the Pine Cone
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